Frags from ebay?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 12, 2005
Dubuque, Iowa
I'm just starting to get into corals. The lfs here has one tank of them but most of the time they look pretty bad plus they have a terrible flatworm infestation in that tank as well.
So anyway I was searching on ebay tonight and found quite a few of the ones I plan to start with (xenia, gsp, zoo's). I was wondering if anyone had purchased corals on ebay before and if so how did it turn out?

Never on ebay. Lots of people on here have frags available. Especially common stuff like xenia, gsp, and zoos.
I have used ebay to buy coral before with no problems except high shipping costs. I will agree with brenden that you can easly find frags of anything on this site or reefcentral. I will always try and find something close so I dont have to risk shipping fragile corals. Good luck.
Thanks for the help guys.
No kidding on the shipping! $10 for a frag but then $30-$50 for shipping :roll:
I'll post in the Barter/Trade forum when I get a chance...
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