Fresh or Salt?

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Mar 3, 2004
Which one is easyer,funner, and more exciting, Freshwater or Saltwater? This may be a dumb/earelavent question but I thought I'd get people's opinions.

Thanks, Beacious. :pimp:
Wow, Your going to get alot of conflicting info i bet on this one.

Reason, Those who start in SW will say SW is easier than FW cause they know nothing about FW therefor it woudl be harder than SW.

IMO FW is somewhat easier than SW simply because you have less water conditions to worry about.

What is more fun? Well each is as much as you make out of it.

Same with exciting. Alot will say SW tanks are better to look at because of their colors and such but I have seen some wonderful looking FW tanks that would rival any SW setup.
I love my FW tanks! My 80 gal Mbuna cichlid tank is the most eye-popping right now--lots of activity, lots of color and lots of lace rock from the bottom reaching 3/4 up to the top of the tank.
Wait! I forgot I redid my community tank. I will admit it's hard to find colorful peaceful community fish (I will not buy dyed fish and livebearers just don't do it for me). However, I have dark driftwood and tons of fake plants of all shapes and sizes--it makes the fish that are darting about easier to see!
Those who start in SW will say SW is easier than FW cause they know nothing about FW therefor it woudl be harder than SW.
Right. That is like me having twins when I already have an older child, so I know how much easier it can be. A friend who has twins as her first pregnancy does not know anything different, so she does not think it is so bad!

I think SW might be more rewarding, since there are many living things that do fine in the wild and do not do well at all captive unless you have everything just right. I think SW is more expensive to do right, so that is what is keeping me away at the moment.
Decent sized, heavily planted FW tanks are just gorgeous to me. I think that's the reason I had to have a pond, too - albeit a small one (160 gal.). And if they are done right from the beginning and the fishkeeper is diligent about water quality, they become easier to take care of over time.

But then, I've got scores of websites bookmarked on nano reefs. . . :)
Thats one thing that is 99% opinion in most cases. Both fields have alot of amazing animals, and are a blast. I love both, but couldnt say I have a favorite. There's certain aspects of each I like more than the other, but really doubt I could say overall, I like either one more. Again, all just an opinion thing, but either way, a great hobby
Salt water is more expensive and harder to set up, but has more color hues species available in more sizes.
But i prefer FW becuase of my beloved labyrinth fish.
Only reason I'd have salt is to have a reef tank with a fairy moray and maybe an octopus if I had like 3000 gallons :roll:
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