Fresh Water Puffers and Ich?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 16, 2004
I have a 50 gallon fresh tank (a little salt added) and 2 out of the 6 puffers have developed white bubble stuff around their eyes and on their skin. It looks like tiny salt. Could this be ich and can I use the store bought ich medicine on them? I know they are delicate fish.. I just did a water change on them (25%) and maybe that will help. Can anyone help me? Thank you!

Tina from Tampa
Cute little puffs, sad that they are not feeling well. Looks like Ick to me from the pics I would try to raise your temp. a little and add some salt to see if that helps at all. I wouldn't suggest the chemicals for treating Ich right away as puffers are very sensitive as they are scaless.

Hopefully this helps and someone else might have more suggestions.
I have not yet "knock on wood" had to deal with Ich yet on any of my fish.
I have used Kordon Rid Ich+ on my dwarf puffers and they tolerated it very well. I did lose one but it was probably because I waited so long to start treatment. I was worried about using meds also. I followed the label directions and used it full strength. Good luck to you.
Puffers are sensitive to most meds. Salt, heat & large water changes, has always worked for me.
I've used 1/2 doses of Nox Ich with success saved a puffer i though had no chance of making it, between ammonia burns and Ich. but with some frequent water changes and nox ich he pulled through. (I picked a puffer as a first fish in a 5 1/2 gallon uncycled fish tank) Yeah i still don't know how he ever made it. i have since learned much!

First think i would do is lots of water changes. fix the problem that stressed the fish.
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