Freshwater clam?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Feb 11, 2017
Southern United States
Back in the early days of fall, I found some freshwater clams at a nearby lake. I was intrigued with the amazing little creatures and decided to take one home with me. Now I didn't really look too much into how to care for them or plan on setting up much of a suitable environment (I'm not trying to say that clams are lesser creatures than anything else but I'm not sure they're quite as sentient and understanding). The clam is in a 1 gallon bowl that is well planted and at first the clam moved a bit daily, but after a month it seemed to stop and sit in one area of the bowl. Well I figured it to be dead and thus didn't really focus on the tank much, until.... I noticed it had moved. Now it's active and moving all about! It has also begun sticking its shell out of the waters surface and squirting water. I'm a fish person, not a clam person so could anyone here explain what exactly is going on with it? Should I upgrade it to a proper tank or will it not know the difference between that and the bowl? Thank you!

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