Freshwater pipefish

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 23, 2012
Does anyone know any care info about freshwater pipefish? I really want to order one but I need to know how to care for it.:fish1:
Live aquaria says that they are hard to feed and should be kept in a species only aquarium. You should check out their page
That's a good source. Only problem I have is that some of the tank size is inaccurate. I don't think a tire track eel is suitable for a 50 gallon tank. Are there several different species of freshwater pipefish?
Thank you. I think I might get that one unless I can find a smaller species.
I picked up a freshwater pipefish this past weekend. He is so cool I'm getting another.
Reading soem stuff on them, maybe pipefish would do really good in a planted tank with a thriving population of Cherry shrimp, giving it a supply of little shrimplets to eat.
Supplement with a sustaining crop of brine shrimp you grow in a 10 gallon tank and squirt in with a turkey baster.
hpiguy said:
Pipefish would probably do really good in a planted tank with a thriving population of Cherry shrimp, giving it a supply of little shrimplets to eat.
Supplement with a sustaining crop of brine shrimp you grow in a 10 gallon tank and squirt in with a turkey baster.

A ten gal would turn out millions of shrimp, maybe a 2.5 instead
A ten gal would turn out millions of shrimp, maybe a 2.5 instead

I use a ten because they are dirt cheap. They self sustain with new eggs all the time after the first batch is placed in there.

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