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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 25, 2013
what is more worth it a freswater 55 planted or a reef55 i have a spare tank not alot of money and dont know what to do with it!!
What is "worth" it is 100% up to you. There is absolutely no way we can give you that answer. I would suggest looking at some member tanks for both reef and fresh and deciding from there.

As for not having much money I would probably say no to the reef depending on your budget. A 55g reef tank can cost $1500 without too much difficulty just in equipment.

Depending on how high tech you want a planted tank you can go from $300 - $600 fairly easily.

Neither of those includes the cost of a tank.
you can probably spend the same amount of money for a high tech planted tank and a FOWLR saltwater tank, depending on how you want to proceed. if you want to go extremely high tech (like those ADA equipments), i wouldn't be surprised if your overall cost for a planted tank EQUAL to that of a reef tank.
I love my 55 gallon planted and think that if you were to do a reef there wouldn't be a ton of space in a 55 as it is thin and tall and that may be a problem in arranging your rock for a reef tank. It's all up to you but most 55 gallon reefs I see look a little awkward due to tank dimensions.
I love my 55 gallon planted and think that if you were to do a reef there wouldn't be a ton of space in a 55 as it is thin and tall and that may be a problem in arranging your rock for a reef tank. It's all up to you but most 55 gallon reefs I see look a little awkward due to tank dimensions.

+1 on the dimension. but i feel that's generally true for FW as well. the width of the tank is very limited when it comes to aquascaping with DW and some sort of decorative stones. i'm sure there's a way to distort the field of perception but the lack of width in a 55gal gives to a number of limitations to both FW and SW
Yeah, in my 55 I tried to aquascape it but after a while I just gave up and turned it into a very natural planted jungle I like the looks of it but don't expect to be able to do much aqua scaping, maybe go with a 40 gallon breeder if you haven't already bought this one as your options are far greater.:)
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