Frogs in fish tank

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 7, 2012
Manchester, UK
I was thinking about getting a frog to put in my tank, I was wondering if they would be in ok in a tank with fish?
i think they are ok. petsmart told me they require they're own type of food.
I am not sure what kind, I was thinking about getting one so was going to have a look around, is there any fish that won't like having one in the tank with them?
The frogs they sell at petsmart here are dwarf African frogs. Do no put these frogs in a tank with fish. They are highly aggressive. I have cared for about 10 of their larger counterparts for a length of 2 or 3 months and their feeding frenzy is like nothing I've seen from captive fish. They are docile in their tank and unaggressive unless presented with a meal so do not let their calm state fool you. They can remain motionless for months, it is part of their makeup. The large claws they develop on their hind legs are the danger. I've been scratched before and I've seen the large scars they left on their fellow frogs. It's likely that they would eat your fish food and would certainly eat fish fry and could attempt to eat smaller fish if agressive enough. So I'm not sure what frog to suggest but to be on the safe side I would not buy an African frog of any sort to put in with fish, even though you occasionally find less aggressive ones.
So that's what I don't want to be looking for then, thanks for that, I haven't seen any in the pet shops at the moment so will have to have a look around and see what there is, I don't like asking some of the staff in some of the pet shops as they just seem to want to get the sale
I totally understand. I'm sure there are other fully aquatic frogs out there but by far the most common are the African frogs of varying varieties. This is due to their hardiness and ease of care. If you want to have frogs in your tank without spending to much you might consider adding a small island or raised/floating area in your tank as that would greatly increase your options.
That's what I was thinking about doing, you can get the rock things for terrapins that float near the top of your tank, I am waiting before I do it tho I am getting a new tank in the new year
I've had 3-4 African Dwarf frogs form PetSmart in my tropical community aquarium and none have been the slightest bit aggressive... I lost 2-3 for unknown causes but there were no injuries on them, I've heard they can choke on food pellets so I assume that's what happened. They will also swim to the surface for flake food and bloodworms and shoot straight back down to the bottom as soon as they get one. They're not highly active but they don't sit in one spot for extended periods of time either.
African Dwarf frogs are peaceful (unlike African CLAWED frogs, which get very large and are voracious predators. I've kept one before, and they are awesome! But definitely shouldn't be kept with fish ;) )
African dwarf frogs on the other hand are quite docile and have very poor vision, so all but the smallest fish should be safe from them. I would keep them with some slower moving fish species, because of their vision they can have a hard time out competing fish for food. The love frozen bloodworms and live blackworms, but you can use a good frog pellet as a staple. There are a few other fully aquatic frogs out there, but you probably wouldn't find them in a chain store and would have to order them online.
Hmm i guess I have only have had experience caring for the larger varieties and know from experience how aggressive they are. I just assumed the aggressive nature would carry over into the dwarf versions. Good to know!
i also have 2 dwarf african frogs in my 30 G and they are fine. I have 2 Chinese Algae eaters. 1 of the eaters pick and wrestle with the smaller frog of the two so I would not recommend putting these two together. Other than that they are fine. They hide alot and sometimes float at the top near the filter and do not want to be bothered. They are cool to watch when they are active.
I Have 5 African Dwarf Frogs in my 60 gallon tank. I have Algae eaters and tetras in my tank with them. African Dwarf Frogs are very peaceful and don't bother the other fish. African Dwarf Frogs go well with any Tropical Community fish. They do require their own food, I use pellets and dried bloodworms. Their cousin the African Clawed Frog are aggressive and can harm others in the tank. But overall (ADFs) are a great entertaining addition to your tank. I recommend getting 2 or more.
I have two african dwarf frogs in a tank with a male betta, neon tetras, and two cory cats. They live happily and peacefully with the fish and have had no problems at all( not even with the betta)

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