Frontosa tank mates

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Nov 9, 2011
San Diego
RIGHT NOW... I have a 55 gallon with 14 juvie fronts that were given to me by a friend with multiple breeding pairs.. Anyway I'm trying to get ideas for tank mates. I have 3 compressed cichlid ( Altolamprologus compressiceps) and 4 loaches (botia). I want to add some top water fish that a active, but not to active they scare all the fronts into hiding. Let me know what you think?


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Man thats a lot, Thats ok for a while but as they grow thats going to be a complete disaster in that size tank lol. But if your asking specific tank mates; basically any large tanganyican fish would be my best guess. I only have experience with malawi but im trying to show effort in helping you. Catfish if you have the room. I wouldnt recommend it but ive seen people keep scats with them.. But thats not the greatest thing.
jetajockey said:
Wow, wish I had some friends like that. What's your plans with the frontosas? You going to move them to a larger tank as they get bigger or do you plan to keep them all in there?

Yeah I'm going to keep maybe 4 or 5 o the best and get a bigger tank. My friend that gave them to me has a 220. So, yeah I know I need to eventually get a bigger tank. Thank god they grow slow.
Jacobsal91 said:
Man thats a lot, Thats ok for a while but as they grow thats going to be a complete disaster in that size tank lol. But if your asking specific tank mates; basically any large tanganyican fish would be my best guess. I only have experience with malawi but im trying to show effort in helping you. Catfish if you have the room. I wouldnt recommend it but ive seen people keep scats with them.. But thats not the greatest thing.

That's my plan is to have them all tanganyika. I'm really big on keeping it one lake. Right now the are about 1-1.5".. Oh and I forgot my black spotted calvus is in there.. But anyway I want to add some color. Maybe some Tropheus although the can be a rough.

..Maybe some Tropheus although the can be a rough.

...I want to add some top water fish that a active, but not to active they scare all the fronts into hiding...

Tropheus are fairly active fish. Their active swimming habits, aggressive nature (even though it's primarily conspecific) and different dietary requirements don't make make them the best tank mates for frontosa's.

Slow calm-swimming fish with similar dietary requirements, such as the altolamprologus already with them, are perhaps the best bet. You may want to do either calvus or compressiceps, not both in the same tank.
Any of the thread fins will do well. fronts are A calm fish, so you can do well with Calvus, shellies, really any of the community tangs. I would stay away from transcriptus for the for mentioned reasons
Most people that keep Frontosa keep it a species only tank for best results. They don't do well with highly active fish.
Another nice tanganykan fish to keep are birchardis
Im a huge fan of daphodil birchardis
A nice male would do alright with frontosa
Honestly your talking 4 or 5 14-16 inch fish in a 220 gallon if that's what you plan on getting that's getting fully stocked already. You may be able to get away with a bottom feeder of some type like a featherfin catfish but not much else. I'm just going by the rule I use for oscars which are pretty similar in size. I say 75 gallons for 1 then 40 more gallons for each additional one. So in your case 75+120 more gallons for the 4 which is 195 almost 200 gallons.
Honestly your talking 4 or 5 14-16 inch fish in a 220 gallon if that's what you plan on getting that's getting fully stocked already. You may be able to get away with a bottom feeder of some type like a featherfin catfish but not much else. I'm just going by the rule I use for oscars which are pretty similar in size. I say 75 gallons for 1 then 40 more gallons for each additional one. So in your case 75+120 more gallons for the 4 which is 195 almost 200 gallons.

I don't think you can use the rule for oscars. I had a 180 with 2 oscars and some tank mates but I switched from a 55 to a full blown 180g not because they needed it for their size. 2 big reasons one is an oscars bio load is huge compared to a fontasia and the second is aggression oscars are vary territorial and can get vary aggressive
Idk oscars are not very aggressive or territorial at all in proper sized tanks and proper tank mates. I'm pretty sure a 12 inch Oscar has the same bioload as a 15 inch frontosa they are both thick fish and heavy eaters.
Idk oscars are not very aggressive or territorial at all in proper sized tanks and proper tank mates. I'm pretty sure a 12 inch Oscar has the same bioload as a 15 inch frontosa they are both thick fish and heavy eaters.

Territorial as they will try to eat everybody I had two one was nice the other tried to eat everybody I had a 14 inch gar and 2 jacks 7 inch with them they got along. And as for the bio load no oscars will eat and eat like little piggies. I had to do a 50% wc every week just keep up with the nitrites and ammonia I have never had fish with a bio load as bad as oscars now I have a peacock tank and it's no where near as bad
RIGHT NOW... I have a 55 gallon with 14 juvie fronts that were given to me by a friend with multiple breeding pairs.. Anyway I'm trying to get ideas for tank mates. I have 3 compressed cichlid ( Altolamprologus compressiceps) and 4 loaches (botia). I want to add some top water fish that a active, but not to active they scare all the fronts into hiding. Let me know what you think?

I have reconsidered my position while I still don't think a frontosa bio load is the same as an oscar if your going to keep 4 or 5 your going to need 200g plus rank because of you get anything smaller they will just out grow the tank
I mean it is just my opinion they are similar and your Oscar was aggressive because he felt crowded if an Oscar is crowded or threatened it will kill as many tank mates as it takes so it feels like it has adequate space.
I mean it is just my opinion they are similar and your Oscar was aggressive because he felt crowded if an Oscar is crowded or threatened it will kill as many tank mates as it takes so it feels like it has adequate space.

The tank mates i mentioned held their own and they where fine he was just king in that tank. But I thought about 4 or 5 frontosa and your right they get to big and he would need a bigger tank before he can even think about tank mates
Oh ok I thought you meant he was killing them off haha. Yah a big adult Oscar can become the king of a tank quickly. Yah I mean frontosa are just massive fish and a 220 would barely do for just them.
Oscars and Frontosa are completely different temperament wise. There is no comparison. Frontosas are fish that need to be in groups and have a hierarchy. Oscars kind of go about life on there own. Oscars will need more room per fish than Frontosa.

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