fry lovers

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Yes, it's going to be interesting. Mom is a yellow/orange pineapple swordtail. I have a pic of her in my albums. Dad is a solar flare swordtail. He's white to Orange. Let me see if I have pics of the two to upload...

They are both beautiful im looking forward to seeing what colors they will be :)
Guppy fry born Saturday Night. Dalmation Molly Fry little over a month - guess about 4.5 weeks old and Black Molly Fry are about 3.5 weeks old.

Seriously only a month? Mine are growing soo slow. :( how big is the tank?
They are in a ten gallon. I just moved them this weekend to the bigger tank so i could put my guppy fry and swordtail fry in the 10. They are about a week apart, too, and growing like weeds! Dont know of its the space, the food ormthe water, but they get so big so fast, little cuties.
Here's a newborn platy fry. It's the second time mama platy has decided to drop in daylight! So exciting!
Forgot to add the photo. D'oh!


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Honestly though, what do people do with fry if they have too many? My tank is overstocked as is. I'm not 'saving' them per se, just letting nature take its course but my tank is full of babies of differing ages.
Honestly though, what do people do with fry if they have too many? My tank is overstocked as is. I'm not 'saving' them per se, just letting nature take its course but my tank is full of babies of differing ages.

raise them to juvie and then try to sell them to lfs or exchange for store credit
raise them to juvie and then try to sell them to lfs or exchange for store credit

That is what i would say.. let them get about an inch and try to trade or sell them to your lfs. I get store credit for my fish when i bring in my extra fry
Definitely ask. Both my LFSs told me they would give me store credit.

"What are you feeding?"

I have been feeding them Tetra Fin Goldfish Flakes. I have a big can, so when they were all born, I just put a couple flakes on a piece of post-it paper and use the plastic lid to crush it into powder, then I blow it in and scrape off the rest. I feed them twice a day. Once in the morning and once before I go to bed.
3 day old guppy fry(first time breeding:) ) 10 of them

Before and after


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Well, not too much luck with my swordtail fry. :(

I managed to save 12. Last week i started losing some, one a day for 5 days! Lost my fav. He was very white with one blood red eye. Not sure if something wrong or strain of albino, blood red swordtail in mom. Freaking out cuz other Babies are doing great in same tank. These little buggers stay at the bottom still...

I dropped an algae flake in so there was constant food and move air stone to center tank in case hungry competing for food and maybe need oxygen since not swimming. Did another water change and another one today and so far so good. Hope they pull through.

Then found 3 more fry in the main tank, good healthy swimmers. Almost seems majority premature and 3 i found she dropped later. I have no idea, but happy to find 3 after losing 5.

Guppy fry only 2 weeks old now and huge already! Ill post pics later. Wont believe how big they are.
Daily water changes on the fry tank is all i can think of . They are very picky and sensitive about their water conditions :) i hope no more bad comes to your little ones :) cant wait to see the pictures...
I normally change once a week. Dalmation mollies grew like weeds, and black mollies, and guppies, so just didnt sit right about these guys. Im outside on the ipad, so will get new pics when i go in. Thanks for the aquarium advice!
I normally change once a week. Dalmation mollies grew like weeds, and black mollies, and guppies, so just didnt sit right about these guys. Im outside on the ipad, so will get new pics when i go in. Thanks for the aquarium advice!

Awesome. Have they gotten big enough yet to put in your main tank? The mollies.. last i saw they were pretty big for only being a month old...
Found some 6 day old platy fry. They've decided to come out of hiding for the first time!


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