FS: 55 Gallon glass tank and cinder-block stand ~$100 in OC,

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 1, 2004
So Cal
I have a 55 gallon glass tank (48"x16"x17").

I built the stand out of cinder-blocks, cut ply, 2x4s, and styrofoam.

It has a nice glass top. If you live within 15 miles of Irvine, I will work out delivery for you for no extra charge.

I'm hoping to get $100 but I'm flexable since I realize people might not care about my home built stand. The materials for it were a little over $40, though, a few months ago at Home Depot. I can take some pictures of it once people express interest--it's actually pretty nice looking in terms of stability and the materials I used.

I can sweeten the deal with a 48" single 30 watt fixture (remote ballast) with actenic (approx 3 month old bulb).

Please email me at mbraun (at) uci (dot) edu.

I just want to re-iterate that I will entertain all serious offers. If you think I'm asking too much or you aren't interested in my home built stand, let me know and we can work from there. I think I could knock 20-30 bucks off and just sell the cinders off at a garage sale.
man, if i lived a little closer, i'd totally take you up on that! i'm getting so antsy while i wait to save up for my tank. ya know, the SF Bay Area is a great place to visit this time of year :wink: just playin' :mrgreen:
well, if I don't sell it by June and you still want it, let me know.

I'll be driving up to Oregon and leaving my truck in Sacramento. But that's as far as I think I'm able to go. With some gas money, I would consider making a detour though and sight see over by the bay.
wow! i really was just kidding :) thats probably around the time when i'll have all my other money-sucking obligations taken care of and starting tank shoppin'. so, if you haven't sold it yet, and do end up taking your trip, i have no problem at all kickin' down some gas $ for a quick detour on your part. :mrgreen:
When I say flexible, I mean like $70 for the tank, $30 for the stand, willing to sell either or both, willing to drop $20 bucks for the package, etc.

Come on people, you know you want it :) don't be timid. offer me some cash and let's get this tank moving...
will trade for something--like a canister filter (+cash from me)
Oh goodness, for some reason the forum didn't notify me of your responses.

Lompoc is a bit far. But I am driving north to Sac in about a month and a half. I'll try to sell it to MrCrabs first, even though Firefighter replied first. Sorry, but you are about 3 hours north.

Are both of you still interested?

I'm actually adding two Penguin 330's for $30 if you'd like.
I might still have it. someone bought it but is now not interested in picking it up now that the summer is over.
It's just the bare tank with a glass top.

the stand is just an open-legged stand.
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