FTMMWS's Angler

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Ever dance with an angler under the pale moonlight :) i know kinda corny:lol:

Snagged a chromis while it was a sleep the other night ..Was just watching him from a distance and he crept right up to it and Bam!

Still trying to figure out low light shooting so its not the greatest of pics
I know this thread is old but it seems to have people that know Alot. I'm thinking of getting an angler and a Fu Manchu lion for my 30 gallon. Does anyone see any problem with this?

Also what happens if you don't get them on frozen food? Can I just feed chromis and damsels?
Yes you can feed chromis or damsels. They only should be fed about once a week. Also the angler needs to have it's own tank. It will eat the lion the first chance it gets.
Really? Even if the Fu manchu is fully grown the angler will eat it? I heard they can co exist.
A angler fish can eat fish almost the same size as they are. And if the lion is a little to big to be eaten the angler could choke on the lion. It's not a good idea to mix anglers at all IMO .
Okay. But I could do an angler in a 30 gallon by itself an feed it a damsel or a chromis once a week? Twice a week?
Why feed damsels? My LFS feeds their Anglers and Lionfish simple feeder goldfish.
Feeder goldfish I wouldn't feed to my freshwater fish much less my saltwater. Plus they carry diseases Alot. I can get free dead fish and chromis/damsels for 1$ from my lfs. So I'll just feed them that.
Very true. I just never really heard of anyone doing that lol. I usually try to breed my own food for fish and avoid goldfish.
Haha I've heard of people doing it as treats but only treats cause most people get them for around the 5$ mark a piece. I get mine for 1$ so it's not very bad at all :)
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