Fungus or eggs?

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 20, 2014
New to planted tanks and I've never had eggs in a tank before so I have no clue. Are these two white balls (One on the dead leaf toward the top right and one on the stem in the middle) stuck to the ludwigia eggs or do I have a fungus? LOL. I don't know whether to be excited or bummed. HA! I have Cory, Rummy Nose Tetras, Danio and Cherry Red Shrimp in this tank. Oh yeah, Endlers too, but I know those are live bearers.


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Whatever it is, it doesn't look like eggs to me. It's hard to tell from the picture- is it underneath the plastic floating box? And is it on the surface of the plant?
It is on the surface of the plant. One on the stem and one underneath the leaf. They are in the floating box. I pulled them and put them in the breeder box just to be on the safe side.
Sorry I can't be more help- I've never seen anything like that in an aquarium. Honestly what it reminds me of is when you make vegetable beef stew and the fat from the beef solidifies on the surface after being in the refrigerator!
From your list of fish, it does not look like it could be eggs from any of them. Can you get a picture from the side?
Funny!! They are perfectly round, little white balls. It's the strangest thing. I've been googling fungus and can't find anything there either. Curious.
Oooh they're balls. Well that does sound more like eggs, but they look too large to be tetra, danio or cory eggs. A picture from the side might help. Cherry shrimp females carry their eggs under their tail until the shrimplets hatch, and like you said endlers are livebearers.
If you touch them do they squish or do they hold shape?
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Do they look like this from the side? These are what came up after googling danio eggs. Also what type of danios do you have? I should have asked this first, I was just assuming zebra danios.
Here's the side view. It is smooth and springy.


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Added side view to original post. Can't get it to show up in replies for some reason.
Sounds like an egg to me!
Fungus would be fuzzy and not springy.
If I had to take a guess I would say the danios
To prevent snails and pathogens introduced into your tank, soak all plants in a potassium permanganate solution for 4 hours.

Jungle Clear Water is Potassium permanganate.

To make, use the crystals or the jungle stuff in tap water. Add enough to make pink color and dump in plants. The solution must stay pink for 4 hours. Just make it a light pink color.
Thanks for the tip! I haven't added any new plants in a couple of week and I soaked those in a peroxide/water solution based on a post I read here. I will have to check the jungle water out!
You can buy PP crystals from eBay too. It's purple in color. Jungle clear water can be found in some walmarts and petstores. You can definitely buy it online. Peroxide is too mild. PP kills organics.
Hi there. I had my RCS drop her eggs and pretty soon they were encapsulated in a fungus that formed an irregular ball that was quite tight and springy. I suspect the balls in your tank are either a lodged egg or piece of food with fungus. Without a close up pic that is only my best guess.
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