? Fungus

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Feb 10, 2013
Concord NH
My dads tank was mostly wiped out in a couple days, only neons and one barb left. I think its mostly cleared now but what are on the tetras mouths? There are only two that seem to have it and it looks like a little white ball on their lower mouth. These are the best pictures i could get



What are the water parameters now?

What symptoms did the fish that died show?

Did you treat the tank while the other fish were sick?

How long ago was the last fish death?
I don't live in the house. They had mentioned it to me when i was there yesterday. I checked the parameters and everything was fine, ph was a little low but not much. They said some of the fish had like white slime on and hanging off of them. Last fish death was Friday. No one has died since then. He used some stuff that made the water turn a blueish color. But i cant be sure what is was. I didnt get to see the fish before they died. Sounds like it happened overnight
Hmmm well that isn't much to go on. I would say that it sounded like you may have had a bout of Columnaris but you said white slime hanging off them.

Was it a fuzz or slime?

Sounds like he may have used malachite blue. Do you know if he just put it in the tank or did he use a med with malachite blue (like Jungle Fungus clear)?

I can't say for sure what is on the tetras lips I know Columnaris can wipe out a tank fast. My tetras have had white on their lips or bumps when they are flashing or hitting the glass a lot.
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