funky blue plant?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 21, 2002
Connecticut, USA
hows it going

I recently started "cycling" my aquarium about three weeks ago, i did have it running w/live rock in it for about 2 months though. However I just put fish in three weeks ago. My question is this, my live rock is coming along nicely w/ what appears to be Caulerpa, but there is this neat looking "plant" on the rocks as well. It is purple or blue in color and when disturbed (by disturbed i mean when i brush the glass or go near it with the brush)it disappears and reappears seconds later. Can you provide any help? I tried to take a picture but it didnt come out well.
might be a feather duster , i found a lot on my live rock . they seem to be growing , i dont think they get to big . but your L F S might have big ones for sale . get a red light and look in your tank at night , you will see alot more cool little things that hide from bright light
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