Fuzzy fungus. Sigh.

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 15, 2011
Gig Harbor, WA
This has been a rough month for the poor fish at my house.
I've had the heat/salt treatment going (for ick) in my 29 gallon for ten days and I was just starting to think about starting to lower the temp (no spots for about a week now) I came home to see my favorite Otto cat wearing a fuzzy white hat.
I lost all three of my kuhli loaches last week to the same fungus, all within a day. One day they were great and the next day they all died about six hours apart.
Did I make a huge mistake by not treating the tank for fungus after they were gone? I didn't realize the other fish, which have looked great after the initial ick outbreak, could catch it later. I don't know why I didn't think about it!

This tank is newly cycled (has been fully cycled for about a month) and I've done almost daily PWC's the entire time. I'm using prime and a TBSP aquarium salt with each 5 gallons as I replace it. I did a 30% PWC water change yesterday and 25% this evening after I fished my Otto out of the tank. He was breathing rapidly, was pale and starting to drift so I euthanized him...I just couldn't bear to see him so uncomfortable.

Parameters (tested with the API master test kit):
Am 0 - 0.25 (it comes out of the tap like that so I use Prime as my conditioner, mixed in a clean bucket before it goes in the tank)
Nitrites: 0
Nitrates: between 0-5
Temp: 85.7, stable

I have two lone survivors, my other Otto cat and Guacamole, my dwarf guarami...aka the toughest fish ever, as he has not had a single symptom of ick or the fungus.

I have the tetra brand of fizzing fungus tabs standing by, but I hesitate because I don't have a QT tank and I hate to stain everything if I don't need to...but I will if it saves them!

Well, I haven't treated, although I've got the medicine ready to go. I've been slowly lowering the temp (very slowly), it's currently at 81 and holding. My last little Otto cat looks great, I'm watching him work on a piece of zucchini as I type. :)
So far, so good! Let's hope it stays that way!

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