Gardneri killifish-normally agressive?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 14, 2012
Geelong, Vic, Australia
Have been doing some research on killifish and it seemed that they were well suited community fish but as I have been watching my newly added pair (one male one female) aphryosemion Gardneri, the male seems to be grumpy and trying to eat my neons, although won't have much luck as they aren't nearly small enough to fit in his mouth! Anyone e,se familiar with this species? Also tank is a 70 litre with 10 neons, a juvenile Bristlenose plecon and a dwarf gourami pair.
Well things have gone from bad to worse :( For 3 months had a peaceful community tank and now after a week of adding the killifish I now have two attacked guppies and am missing 2 neon tetras! Is it definitely the killifish? The guppies don't look like they have fin rot just a case of nipped tail fins, and some of my remaining neons are looking worse for wear.

Could the killifish have brought a kind of disease from the LFS? Or is this a case of bullying? I've been told I won't be able to take the fish back incase of contamination so what do I do? I would love to keep the killifish but not if it means my previous fish suffering :S

Also I can't find the dead bodies of the neons, they seem to have completely vanished.....can small fish ( 1-2 inch) eat away and completely devour a neon?

Thank you to anyone who can help :)
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