Garlic power!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 22, 2012
Seems like when I soak the food in Garlic Power, almost immediately after I feed the fish, my skimmer stops skimming... Anyone else notice this?
It's cool thanks Con! I did a little research and it looks like the garlic breaks the tension in the water, kind of like when you put your hand in the tank (or finger in beer foam!) I guess now I'm looking for a solution... Or maybe more specifically what is the best way to soak food in liquid garlic, and then feed... Should I rinse it before I put it in the tank? Or something else...?
This is what I do. I rinse the the frozen food under running water in a brine net. Then I take some tank water in a cup and put the food in the cup. I add the garlic and Selcon. I let soak for a little and then dump the cup into the tank.
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