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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 15, 2011
I folks. Today I have fallen in love. Not with a girl and not with a boy for that matter. Well it's hard to tell what sex this is. It's a spotted gar.

I had to peel myself away from the fish shop as I was close to parting with £20. My fear is as follows. I am under the impression they get massive. Despite the spotted gar being smaller then it's cousins. They eat loads and have big teeth. The teeth only worry me cos my 5 year old has a keen interest in my fish.

I have a 350L tank and guessing it's far to small. Are there any types of gar that would not grow to big or not too fast leaving me time to upgrade my tank as soon as we move. Is this best left as a love affair that goes no further.

If only my girlfriend looked like the gar I would feel my life is complete.
A few months at least. Looking at February time.
I've kept one, but unfortunately it died :( that's nearly a 100 gallon tank, depending on how big your buying him it should be perfectly fine, they are very slow growers. He will need a bigger tank in particular on that's at least 30" wide but that won't be for a few years
Oh mate that's music to my ears. Thank you very much.
As far as I know the shortnose gar is the smallest 'true' gar it grows to about 20-25" typically which is still and impressive looking fish.

But there are some 'false gars' that look rather similar and some of those only grow 10" might be worth looking in to. :)
I think they get to about 2ft they like cooler water they are hard to get off live food they like to eat and harass silver shinny fish I wouldn't worry about children with them unless they like to pull them out and cuddle them

I have always liked them but have been told they don't get on well with Arowana and scared they may peck at my rays eyes

For £20 is worth a go even if it out grows your tank in a year there is a good market for larger gars
Far more important with these guys than the gallons or liters, is going to be the actual dimensions of your tank. What is the foot print of your 90 odd gallon tank?
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