Gbr gone

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 26, 2013
My male GBR was looking terrible yesterday. Basically I was just waiting to come home and find him dead. Problem is now I can't find him at all. The tank has another GBR female, 2 platys, 5 male guppies and a snail. Could any of them eaten him?? I have moved all of the caves and driftwood looking for him and can't find him anywhere
It's so weird. I seriously can't find him and I've been looking all morning
I finally found him. Completely under the driftwood wedged in a knot and surprisingly he is still alive. I can't believe it.
Well that's good! At lest he ain't dead and I'm sure with little time he will be back to his old self
I don't know. He has been laying on his side for two days. Swimming aimlessly. I just removed him and put him in a 1 gallon tank with the other tank water, some salt, and an air stone. So far he is still laying on his side but he is breathing and moving his fins.
He is just rolling around all over the little tank. Is there anything else I can do to help him?
I had this problem before also but I never found my electric yellow. I flipped everything looked in every hiding place took apart the whole tank and didn't even find a skeleton.
I'm not sure if the pearl, Chinese algae eaters, pleco, or my shark eat him but if they did they should have at least gave me something to bury
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