Gbr question in relation to coloring

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 6, 2011
I have 2 GBR'S, well what I presume to be. One has the traditional spot with the beautiful blue coloring and red eye. The other has faint blue coloring same pattern style and the blue line above the lip( my wife says it's lipstick) but it also has no spot, it has stripes going vertical. Reminds me of the tiger shark stripes. Any ideas or thoughts?
It's a little hard to determine what your other looks like without a picture.

Could you get a pic?

PICTURES OF GBR'S (mutation?)

got some pictures finally one of each to show the difference and similiarites.ALso i put a pic of my Albino Cory Cat just for fun :d
they look like gbr to me. the one thats not showing color looks stressed and its tail looks damaged which could be the cause. i found with mine if i keep the water warm (about 80) they are happier and do frequent water changes to get that tail to heal up quick.
Ya he/she was picked on at the lfs, I've done two pwc's so far, I'm due for another tomorrow after work. The tail was shorter before with no length to it at all
Just did my pwc will do next one on Sunday, then go from there. I'm glad it's healing at a good rate. I'd be disappointed if my efforts failed.
It's possible that is some kind of "Hybrid" (Not sure though because I've never heard of cross-breeding Rams with another Dwarf Cichlid or another Cichlid for that matter) because I've never seen any color morph of a German Blue Ram like that (Even when stressed I've never seen one like that. Usually on a regular German Blue Ram, the color will fade when stressed, not get strips).
I think the hybrid's patterns look cool. I'm going to get some taller plants on Friday maybe that'll calm him down also. Any tips on healing other then pwc's?
Chronos313 said:
I think the hybrid's patterns look cool. I'm going to get some taller plants on Friday maybe that'll calm him down also. Any tips on healing other then pwc's?

Frequent water changes are your best bet. When I bought my neons they were pretty beat up, I didn't notice till I got them home, some had fins completely missing. I did daily pwc's and added melafix and primafix after the water changes and they healed beautifully, I didn't lose even one.
Yeah, water changes are the one of the best things to when it comes to healing.

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