G'day Everyone! Ca Va Bien!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.


Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jun 13, 2008
Penang, Malaysia
Hello everyone, my frens used to call me Jbozz, tats my nick when i'm part of the pro cs team as a flanker. I've started keeping saltwater fish few months ago, you can find the link below. I find it pretty interesting becos there are alot to be learn rather than keeping the fish for sake of keeping it. I've tried mingle around with different filter media instead of the original one provided with the filter. I've used and tested many type of marine fish food, i find that Hikari product is the best among all the products i've tried like Tetra, JBL, and Spectrum.

For filter media, I've used JBL and Seachem.



I don't have a good skimmer, at the moment i think my Rio nano skimmer is not doing the work, as i'm maintaining and testing the water on a weekly basis to ensure all these fishes are happy.

For lighting, i've changed the white tube with ADA (Aqua Design Amano) NA Lamp, the color is very nice, it is only 15w but it is bright enough that the fish are no longer photo shy. For the blue right, I'm using Nirox Moon Bright which is a 15w blue colored light i turn it on at night.

At this stage, my challenge will be to improve the water quality and ensure nitrite is under control. I also feel not comfortable as my KH is only 8 drops.

I've bought lots of JBL test kits, API test kits, Mydilab test kits, for testing and ensuring water is at tip top condition.

Here's my tank
YouTube - Beginner Nano tank by JN23 part 2

YouTube - Beginner Nano tank after 1 wk

That's all, i find this forum is pretty lively compare to others i've known and been thru.

As time evolved, my future plan is to get a 6 ft tank with 4 ft sump tank, but i prefer to start from beginners, learn my way up, this is more meaningful than having everything built for instance without knowing the details.

Keep it up! Au revoir.
Welcome to the site! Looks like you're on the right track and the tank looks good!
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