German Blue Ram Discussion

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If bolivian rams are anything like blue rams, and i think they are, then they will likely spawn on something smooth, like a rock, or a leaf, or inside a cave. I doubt that they would be spawning on the glass... but it's entirely possible
yeh, I don't think they'd choose glass. However, mine always spawned in the gravel even though I had smooth leaves and a piece of slate for them.
The Ram with the shorter fin is slowing developing some good colors.. My feeling is that both are males... But I am not sure..
The second is definently a male. The first one is hard to tell, for me at least. Try to get a pic of them under flourescent light. That will reveal his/her colors more.

Well, i think my rams have chosen a new spot to spawn in. They dug a little pit in the sand behind the driftwood and under several large leaves (from the swords). The male has been spending a lot of time there lately (which was my indication that they were spawning last time), so i'm gonna keep a look out.

Too bad it's in a place completely hidden at any angle (no pics :()
I just finished re-scaping my tank just for that very reason. The foliage that they liked to hide behind was extremely lush (huge java fern colony). I trimmed it back so they still have a comfort zone but I can see what they are up too at all times. :)
The male (confirmed) Ram is always chasing the other Ram (not colourful) away when it tries to feed.Looks like it doesnt like the other Ram. Is this normal ...
Just providing an update on my Rams. It's now week #11 (boy, time sure flies) and the rams are doing great. They are becoming more comfortable swimming at the mid-level of the tank and are no longer lazy about feeding. It doesn't appear that any have made an attempt to estabish terrorities or try to dominate over the others. I have witnessed no aggression since the last time I caught two of them lip-locked. :) Oh, I did take some new pics:

Blue lips

hanging out with friends

Just passing by

Shhh...leave me alone

Come here often?
Anyone notice if their rams sleep on the substrate at night. At lights on this morning, my female was just plopped down on the sand. It really freaked me out at first. But her color was good, breathing normal, and she wasn't hiding. She was on the side of the tank but way up toward the front. I dropped in some peas and both rams tore them apart. So I'm guessing she must have been sleeping?
I just went to check again and she was laying in the same area. Again looking fine, and then the male came over and poked her and they both swam off to eat more peas. I hope she is not getting sick. :(
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