German Blue Ram Discussion

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Something interesting has happened in my tank, thought I would share this little tid bit. My male has been looking a bit down and out the past few days. Yesterday I noticed one of his fins was pretty ragged looking and his tail is split a little. The female has been getting after him a bit, so I wasn't too worried about this development. I decided to do a large water change just to be sure the water was extra clean so he does not develope any infection. It was during the water change I noticed how cold the water was. I admit I don't check the temp that often (which I should) and I was surprised that the water was barely above 75! My heater apparently is on the fritz. I believe the lack of heat has caused my rams to become sluggish and my male especially dulled in color. I am wondering if this cold water has also aided in his fins looking poorly. This was definitely a wakeup call for me to check my temp everyday.
yeh, I found my rams were thriving at about 85 degrees so I can guess that 75 is a bit chilly for them. Poor guys. Well, I hope you rams are okay. Just don't raise the temp too fast.
The new water was just a bit warmer than the tank water. I adjust the temperature by feel. I swirl my hand around in the tank, then again in the water I am using for the water change. I know huge temperature fluctuations are not good, so I brought the temp up with the water change to probably 77/78*. I have the tank up to just about 80* tonight with the heater.
They seem much happier :D
Of course they do. :). Sensitive little creatures aren't they? Really glad it worked out ok. I also do the "temp by touch" method. I'm usually one or two degrees up or down.
FINALLY! My rams are starting to show signs of what I think is the beginnings of them starting a family :D I took the corys to the lfs today because the rams kept going after them and I wanted them out of there anyway. They seem to be picking a lot on a piece of driftwood in one spot, so perhaps they are cleaning this site? And my female's tummy is pretty red and I am seeing what I think is an extended ovipositor. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
On a side note, I have finally named them :D Catherine and Heathcliff. :D
I have EGGS!!! :multi: :multi:
I got home this evening and Cathy had laid about 5 eggs at that point and then they just went crazy! In the space of a bout a half an hour there were tons. As soon as I can figure out how to get video on the web, I have some very bad quality video. In the mean time...Pics! WOOHOO
Alright Meredith...congrats on your spawn :). As you are aware, there is a good chance that they may eat the eggs...if they do, think of it more as a practice session because they will do it again.
yes, I know. And as I understand it, they may not hatch either in my hard water. But still! I just checked on them and there are MORE. It was so cute last night when I went to bed, momma and daddy were laying right over the eggs.
Congrats Meredith!!! :mrgreen: I've got my fingers crossed for you that they hatch.
cool video.

The very active smaller fish look like they are ready for a snack! ;)

yes, those are the guppies. The female chased them off once, but they seem to be more interested in chasing each other than in the eggs. If I see them so much as make a move for my babies, they are outta there.
I had two Rams in Germany from the lfs there and never had problems with them! They ate from the first day, got more color quickly and were more bossy than scared 8) .
Finally I had to give them away after about 2 years, cuz I moved to the USA.
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