German Blue Rams spawning every week...

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 5, 2009
Columbus, OH
Okay, this is my first breeding pair of rams ever..

I breed discus normally and at best they will breed every 3-4 weeks, this new pair of rams are attempting every week in a 20 gallon planted.

last attempt 9 days ago.. tonight they layed a new batch in the same place... last batch got eaten by mom or dad after 2 days (confirmed fertilized) and this batch seems to be smaller than the last.

dad is standing guard over the eggs with his life and my finger or getting close to the glass gets him plenty pee'd off.

PH 6.5 / 82F average / Moderatly planted / undergravel and HOB filter / 20% water change every 2 weeks / 20g standard
In a perfect world rams should spawn every week to ten days. Way back in the day before petsmarts and such, I used to breed fish and sell directly to stores. I had 53 pet stores in central Florida that I sold to. I used to breed rams sporadically. I would always siphon the babies out of the tank right after they hatched, sometimes a day or so after they hatched depending on the pair. I would use regular airline tubing and siphon the babies into a 2 or 5 gallon tank before they were free swimming. Usually the parents would lay another batch within a week or two. You should try to get some babies raised, you will find that with each subsequent generation of captive born rams they become healthier and will be better breeders. AND, you can always sell healthy rams. Bill
Removing mom after laying is not a bad move either. Dad will do just fine tending to the eggs on his own. In fact it will save both mom and dad from some unneeded stress. The male can get quite aggressive toward the female while he is sitting on the nest.
okay i removed eggs with baster LOL into a 10G and a well established sponge filter and bare bottom.

same water parms as parent tank.
i have wigglers...

i didnt plan on breeding rams but i have about 15 people wanting now after i showed them the parents. i went to the LFS i bought them from and ask the owner (a long time friend) to pull up the inventory list from purchise and i confirmed from the fishery that these are wild cought. I figured at the cost they were they would be.....

my parent rams are enjoying themselfs alot.. tons of plants and malaysian driftwood... warm and soft water.

the male is growing rapidly and hes almost about 1 1/2 inches with stunning blue speckles and brilliant color as well as the female.

but thanks for the tips from fellow ram breeders.
also i noticed when i left eggs in mom and dad got along great and take turns guarding the eggs while the other goes about... no agression noticed.
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