German blue rams

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Aquarium Advice Activist
May 20, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I got 3 German blue rams a few days ago! And they seem to be breathing fast... Is that they way they breath? Or are they stressed? They're colour seems great, there breathing just looks faster then the average fish! Also how can you tell male from female ext?


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Sounds like stress, GBR stress really easily and don't last long if the problem is not found. Check your water conditions as they don't last in newly set up tanks.
Thats a long finned ram, very nice one to - hope you get it sorted. I used to breed them until I lost my female to an attack by a Sajica, stunning little fish with bags of attitude, though like I said before stress them for long and it's downhill all the way.
My tank has been running since December.. I have 5 discus and some tetras Cory cats German blue rams now and that's all

It's a 55 gallon tank

My water is
Ph 7.0
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate between 0-5

I do 60% water changes weekly.. So I guess they are just getting use to the new tank

They are really pretty fish they seem to have set corners of there own in the tank already
German Blue Ram

here's a good article on the ram. i had 2 gbr's for 2 years. they are not harder to take care of than any other fish but they do need pristine water. you might consider doing more frequent ,smaller water changes. for myself i do a 20% water change every 3rd day. i vaccum the gravel once a week and on that day i do about a 40% water change. one thing that is good for all your fish is if you can feed live black worms. the live food will bring out the best in color and growth. i feed live every other day. on the off day without worms i feed a high quality flake and pellet. good luck. they are very beautiful fish. :)
here's a picture of my rams.

Yeah, I do 30% water changes Monday and Friday which add up to 60 a week. I may consider feeding live food. The only problem is it can cause disease to my discus and leave abit more waste. I'll look into it ! I'll post some pics of mine when I have the time to take some :)
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