Getting A First Tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 10, 2005
Austin, TX
My partner and I have been wanting to get an aquarium to go in a blank area of our living room. We want to get a triangular tank to go in the corner. I was wondering if anyone knows of any websites that we can look at that will show us the different types of aquariums.

We want a rather tall aquarium possibly three feet tall and three feet off the ground on a wooden cabinet. We'll need all the advice and wisdom that any of you are willing to offer. Thank you.
Hi dmweise. You can try or elmers is the website for oceanic brand aquariums. Go figure. hth
That sounds like a cool setup but consider this. If you put a 3 ft high tank on a 3 ft stand, you have 6 ft at the top, right? This is going to make setup and cleaning a ladder proposition. A 2 ft stand would give you a more managable working height.
Yep. That's the point. We want it to be where the top of the tank is not at eye level. We don't want people to be able to see the top of the lid while walking by. Cleaning will be a trick, but I think I can handle it.
dmweise said:
Yep. That's the point. We want it to be where the top of the tank is not at eye level. We don't want people to be able to see the top of the lid while walking by. Cleaning will be a trick, but I think I can handle it.

For a couple of extra bucks, you could buy a nice wooden canopy that would hide the lid without forcing you to lug out the stepladder all the time. You could also make your own if you are handy. I've seen some nice DIY canopies on AA and elsewhere.
I agree with QTOFFER, a canopy makes all the difference in the world. It hides everything and makes the tank look "Finished". You may want to go to your lfs or Petsmart type stores and check out their tanks. You may see something that you REALLY like that wasn't online. For instance, at they have 1 tank stand, but in the store they have dozens of beautiful stands. The same goes for the actual tank. Since the tank will be in the corner, have you thought of getting a corner tank? They are a bit tricky to deal with, but they are nice looking. One word of advice, the Acrylic is lighter and stronger, but it is more expensive and I have found that it scratches easily. The scratches can be buffed out though.
here's a pic of my tank with a canopy on top. Highly recommended. Its an oceanic 55 plus on an oceanic stand with an oceanic canopy in oak trim.

With the canopy the viewing height is great while seated, and it looks like it fits the room. Reaching into the bottom of the tank does not require a ladder or step stool with the canopy removed, and you don't see any of the glass tops and plumbing with it on. Highly recomended. I think the canopy was like eighty to a hundred bucks, but I can't remember.
With the canopy the viewing height is great while seated, and it looks like it fits the room. Reaching into the bottom of the tank does not require a ladder or step stool with the canopy removed, and you don't see any of the glass tops and plumbing with it on.
I agree!
Here's a canopy my husband made.


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I like your tank and web page.
If you really road that motorcycle in -19 degree temp your are crazier then me.

Menagerie - nice canopy! don't you just love DIY?

OscarBreeder - yep, I really did ride at minus 19. Of course, with electrically heated clothes it wasn't as insane as it sounds. Boy are motorcycles brittle at that tmperature! Two bikes had to be jump started after breakfast, and we were really afraid that the plastic cover panels were going to break as we manipulated them. Not to mention that you have zero suspension function when its that cold - you could feel every pebble on the road and the bike creaked and groaned the whole way. I won't be doing it again, unless I hear of someone else doing a minus twenty ride :D
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