getting a SW tank

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 10, 2011
We are getting a SW set up from a friend. Hubby made a trade for it!

It comes with everything we need, just needs a good cleaning. The friend we are getting it from said she has corals in it right, that is a reef tank?

I don't even know enough to ask about set up and I will get to reading on that.

What are good fish for SW beginers? My daughter is dying for a seahorse where do they rank? can you even get one for a home aquarium? Of course there is the whole Nemo gang! (the joy of a nine year old! :lol:)

We have a LFS that sells all kinds of SW fish and it is a bit overwhelming going in there and looking at all the cool fish totally clueless as to who can play nicely with who. I think lion fish are cool, but have a feeling they don't play nice.

fishy suggestions? We will , of course, have time with cycling and such before we get to the point of adding new fish.
I would say go with the clownfish they a lot easier to start with. I would avoid seahorses because they are quite difficult and you should only really attempt them once you're well seasoned in SW. Good luck : )
Before you start thinking about what fish to get, make sure your read and understand the bilogics of a salt water tank. There is a beginning cycle BEFORE you can add anything, that cycle can take 4-6 weeks. Plan your tank out, fish only or a reef with corals and such. You will need a RODI unit for the water, if you want to do a reef then you will need a skimmer if it does not come with one. You will also need live rock, salt ect. The worst thing you can do in this hobby is hurry, it will only cost you money and cause you set backs. Also keep in mind that you lfs (local fish store) is in business to SELL you stuff, so don't be tempted to quickly stock a new set up because they say it will be fine, because it won't. Welcome
Thanks for the tips. We do not even get the tank till next week, and it has to cycle and all. It has live sand, so that should help with cycling.

I was just looking for some good beginner fish to research.
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