Getting snail to reproduce

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jul 5, 2005
Arnold, Md
This may seem like a stupid question but will the snails reporduce in my tank? I hate to think that I have to keep buying new snails as the older ones die off or get eaten by the hermit crabs.


do you have a refuge?? i have snails in the refuge with no predators and i see little baby snails everywhere. the hermit crabs will kill the snails for their least thats what i experienced in my main tank..hope this helps
Yes they will reproduce in your tank and sump. I`ve never had them to get full size which leads me to believe they are someones lunch.
If you dont want your hermits to kill your snails I would suggest getting empty shells for your hermits, they sell them at they are inexpensive. I have ton of baby snails in my tank : Good Luck :wink:
my hermits kill for fun and they also like the taste of turbos. they rarley use the shells.
If you actually want to encourage snail reproduction, you need to look for specific species. Most are what refered to as spawn scatterers. Meaning, they release their reproductive materials into the water column and what comes of it is usually coral/filter food. The equipment (powerheads, skimmer etc) either destroy or remove them before they can mature and move on from their planktonic stage. Unless you have access to a kreisel tank, your success will be next to nil.

By far, your best option is going to be egg layers, specifically strombus species. Most do not have a planktonic stage and the best chance for success.

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