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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 1, 2014

I have my substrate, take full of water that has been chlorinated. I purchased a few live plants to put in while the tank cycles with TSS.

I have Marimo Moss, Anubius Nana, and Windelov Java Fern. The moss is in a container of water, the Anubis Nana is in a bag like package, and the Fern is in a cylinder with some kind of gell. Both plants are TopFin brand.

What if anything should i do to all three of these before planting them? Anything in particular i should know?

I am planting these in a Fluval Spec V, stock light, no CO2. I have CaribSea Eco complete with a little aquarium sand on top. The TSS has not been put in the tank yet. I have had the tank running about 14 hours since i used price to declorinate the water. After 24 hours i plan on putting in the TSS.

Don't bury the rhizomes on the Anubias it's best tied to a rock or dw. You can bury the roots but not the thick stem(rhizome) that roots and leaves shoot off.
The moss ball can just float around i believe. It will sink over time. The java fern and anubias can be tied to a rock or driftwood.
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