Giant Danio Ick?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 26, 2018
Louisville, KY
I was doing my morning feed and noticed that there was a white spec on top of one of my Giant Danios head, then noticing more on the fins. I suspect this is Ick, so I've already started my temperature climb from 78, on the way to 86 with a degree every hour (that I'm home at least). I don't see any on the loach, which I've heard get this a little quicker than most because of the smaller scales, but she is albino. Still, she doesn't move as fast as the Danios and she looks clean at the moment. I'm hoping to nip this thing before it gets started.

Check out this video and see what the more advanced keepers would recommend. I have to capture in slow motion because those danios never sit still!

60 gallon tank

12 Yellow Lab Cichlids (1 brooding)
6 Upside-down Catfish
6 Giant Danio
1 Golden Dojo Loach
1 Kuhli Loach
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