Glass Cleaning

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Oct 27, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio
I know I have been asking alot of questions but you guys seem to know your stuff and appreciate all the help Im getting from you. Anyway I was looking on geting a brush scrapper combo and wanted to know what I should look for in them. I read that metal scrappers arent good and can scratch the tank. I was thinking on getting the PennPlax Wizard, or should I get a seperate scrapper and srub pad?
richiestang_78 said:
I know I have been asking alot of questions but you guys seem to know your stuff and appreciate all the help Im getting from you. Anyway I was looking on geting a brush scrapper combo and wanted to know what I should look for in them. I read that metal scrappers arent good and can scratch the tank. I was thinking on getting the PennPlax Wizard, or should I get a seperate scrapper and srub pad?

The magnet float is by far the most loved glass cleaner of this forum.
If your tank is glass and not acrylic a single edge razor works as well as anything.
richiestang_78 said:
Yeah its glass, so how well does this Magnet thing work? Looks interesting and saves me from sticking my arm in.

Just like it looks.... You it in, and can either leave it on (which would save you from putting your arm in), or put it on everytime you use it, which makes you put your hand on it. It just moves like normal. The one thing to watch is not to go into the gravel if you have it, because it could cause scratches if it gets between the magnet. It is awesome though.
Mag floats are great for regular glass cleaning. But for green spot algae or buildup, a razor works much better. I ran that mag float over spot algae for at least 20 minutes and it didn't take off any of it.
I love my MagFloat, much better than a brush or anything like that for normal glass cleaning. I haven't had any algae that the Mag couldn't get off yet.
do you leave the mag cleaner stuck to each other all the time in the tank or you actually take if out and everytime you clean just stick it in?
I leave mine on all the time is one of the corners that is hard to see .... and when i need it i just move it around and start cleaning .... and make sure if ur tank is glass or acrylic that you get the right one for that type of tank .. HTH

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