glass shrim and spots

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 2, 2004
Highlands, NC
some of the glass shrimp that i have suddenly appeared with white spots and it looks like its inside of them and sometimes they will stay on top of a rock and put their tails between their legs and it looks like they are cleaning themelves
what is going on here?

no one else in the tank appears to have anything, so i have no idea

any help is appreciated
edit: or are they molting....i have never seen that so could that be it?
no sorry... upon closer inspection, they are spots that run perpendicular to the body along the flex points in the carapace i just spent quite some time trying to net them all. i have them quarantined at the moment with ICK-Away. hmm.........wonder if the are shedding their shell?
I've seen my ghost shrimp cleaning themselves in that manner. I've seen them with yellow spots on the shell. I don't know about the white spots...

I'm curious to know why you're using ick-away on the shrimp - I was under the impression that most medications are harmful to invertebrates... I'm not sure about ick-away...?
I doubt if it would be Ich. Shrimp have an exoskeleton that I don't think the parasite could get through...

GS do develop white spots and other features over their lifetime. When you get them in the store, they're usually still quite young and undevelopped. I had this happen with my GSs and I'm now noticing the same with my Amano Shrimp. These gain a prominent yellow stripe down their backs, spots, etc.
madasafish said:
I had this happen with my GSs and I'm now noticing the same with my Amano Shrimp. These gain a prominent yellow stripe down their backs, spots, etc.

yeah...I have a few amano shrimps..a couple a young ones (quite bland in appearance), but some that are older are starting to develop their stripes and colouration ........

I also have 1 VERY old amano shrimp...he's also quite large, has a distinct yellow beige stripe down the back, and he's fully RED in colour.....

...although, since i've never seen a red amano shrimp before, i assume this may not be an amano......can someone confirm/deny this?? the red one does eat algae like a machine though...

hmm.....they're similar, but there are some features that my red shrimp has that the one in the pic does not:

- my red shrimp's colour is definitely darker and more rich; the one in the photo is much more pink in colour

- the shape of the head is somewhat different than the one in the photo

- the claws on my red shrimp are more like little fans or paddles, not pointed as the ones in the photo....

I think your Red Shrimp is prob. a Cherry Shrimp, no? Neocaridina denticulata.
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