Glo Danio: constipation, tumor, infection?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 11, 2013
Illinois, USA
I have a red glo danio who has a distended abdomen/vent area with a dark center/protrusion (see pictures). None of my other fish have this, it doesn't seem to affect the fish's behavior at this point. I've tried feeding extra fiber/vegetation to help promote bowel movements in case it was constipation, but this has not helped. A little bit of history, all the fish in this tank were exposed to camallanus worm infection. I haven't seen any signs of the worms for a month or two now, but I continue to treat these fish as if they were infected, and continue to medicate them. Anyone have any ideas what it is? I tend to suspect tumor. Home remedy ideas preferred but I'm open to all advice.

Tank stats:
20 gallon tank
all levels are within normal limits (nitrates, nitrites, pH, water hardness, ammonia, etc)
Filtration: under gravel filtration system using carbon
temp kept at about 80
I add a little bit of "fresh water" salt to this tank just to help with infections, I also use a dechlorinating product (Prime).
I do water changes every other week to every 3 weeks (depending on how the test strips read), and at those times I change about a gallon or two, including vacuuming the gravel.
I feed them this: Immune Booster Fish Flake Food, and every two weeks I feed them a levamisole based flake food for 5 days from the same site (I have no intention of continuing to purchase these products from this site though). I also feed them occasionally either little bits of fruits or cooked peas (all fresh produce) to help with vitamins and fiber.
I have I think about 7 or 8 small guppies (none are fully grown) and three glo danios, two are red and I think female, and one is blue and male I think. I also have a bunch of some kind of snail in the tank.
In my healthy tank I like to keep plants, but since this is the "sickie" tank, I keep just fake plants, because I feel it's easier to keep things clean that way.

I think I covered everything, but if there's something else I need to answer please let me know! Thanks in advance for you're help!




I have no experience with this so just a guess.. look up symptoms of dropsy, any scales sticking out? Sorry, I'm not much help, good luck with your fish
I have no experience with this so just a guess.. look up symptoms of dropsy, any scales sticking out? Sorry, I'm not much help, good luck with your fish

No scales sticking out or thickening. I read about dropsy just recently and wondered if that might be it, but many of the symptoms of dropsy sound similar to other issues (such as constipation, tumors, other infections), the only symptom that sounds maybe exclusive to dropsy is the flared scales (some call it the pine cone effect). The only thing that makes me think it's not dropsy is the fact that the fish's swimming habits are the same, where as when I read about dropsy the fish will have some trouble swimming or will hang out more at the top of the tank (if that's even correct information).

Thanks for your reply and support!! :)
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