Glofish are chasing each other help!

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Mar 26, 2014
I have 4 glofish in my Fluval Edge 6 gallon and the 2 green ones are a little bigger and are chasing the 2 smaller ones like crazy how can I make it stop.
I know some of you might say add more hiding spots but my tank already has a lot of fake decor and a java fern, also my water levels are fine
Add 2 or 3 more. Your school is too small and that is part of the cause. Sometimes their chasing is like our kids playing tag so as long as there is no nipping and the little ones can still eat and don't show any signs of stress, a full school should fix it

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Your tank is too small. Upgrade to at least a 20 gallon then up your school.
I agree with both comments. Glofish (a type of modified danio) do best in a group of 6 or more (the more the merrier, the less the stress!) they also have a high activity level and need at least a 20 gallon long for swimming space.
Also, if you don't want a bigger tank, think about returning the glofish and getting a betta. They would do fabulous in a 6 gallon and once they are out of those stupid little cups, they really develop a good personality! (in the cups they act like big bumps of depression, so don't let that fool you!) Shrimp would also do well in your tank. Just a thought.
What they said about the betta ... Mine is really fun to watch now that he's in a 3 gallon. He has a funny game of trying to go under then over certain leaves and if he misses he goes back and tries again. In a 6 I understand he could have a few friends.

But everything I see about danios is that they get pretty frustrated if there isn't room to "run".
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