Gluing an anenome ???

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 10, 2006
Wichita Falls, Texas
I have an pink tip sebae that wont stay attached to a rock. He keeps getting sucked up into the powehead intakes. I know you can glue coral frags but has anyone ever heard of gluing one? What about using a rubber band to loosely attach him somewhere?
You can not band, glue or otherwise artificially secure an anemone. Ideally, you should have sponges over the powerhead intakes.
If tehe anemone is moving, it is unhappy....
That's what I suspected but wanted to hear it from a pro.

Thanks for the reply.

He's a new adition. My wife brought him home unexpectedly. I was really hoping to have my tank running for a year or so before even attempting an anemone. I might be able to construct a temporary cage out of a clear plastic soda bottle around some rocks and talk him into attaching.
Restraining the anemone would likely be a bad idea.. anemones move when some environmental parameter isn't to their liking: Flow rate, lighting, inability to find food for starters. keeping them from finding a spot in the tank where they are comfortable will likely lead to stress and eventual death. Be forewarned.. a dying anemone can foul your tank and kill your livestock.

Assuming you have enough light to support him, get sponges on the powerheads and see where he ends up.
Tex said:
Okay, advice taken. I can always take him back to the LFS.

That may be your best course of action. Ideally, you want your tank to be quite mature, as you said before attempting an anemone.
Also so we know if you glue the anenomie down he will tear his foot and will most certainly die.
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