Glutaraldehyde /Metricide 14 / Excel?

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Apr 4, 2012
Northern Colorado, USA
Everyone says using this stuff is the way to go.

I have a bit of an algae issue and thought I had better get it back under control.

Bought this stuff. Just posted a thread on mixing and using it. Read a message in a different thread from a member who it seemed didn't care for it, because of what it does. Which it seems might be to kill bacteria.

Here is some info from the manufacturer of one of the kinds of glutaraldehyde. Many scientific stuff too much in much of it for me to kepp in my brain, but some of the useful regarding use in water, in waterways seems interesting.

But not too sure if I want it in my tank where I work to create bacteria. Disclaimer, lol, still not a scientist or expert. But wondering if there is any one else which feels this is "safe" for the tank or not sure or absolutely not.

And also then, whether Excel, which someone said company doesn't say is this stuff, but it looks pretty much the same.

A company which produces a brand of glutaraldehyde. CATALOGO.pdf
Before I had pressurized co2 in all my tanks I used to dose easy carbo (easylife) in all my tanks. Never had any issues with that, but then again I only overdosed slightly. My fish were always healthy and happy. Only my vallisneria melted every single time.

To me it was a good and cheap alternative to pressurized co2.

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Safer in your tank than on your skin lol. Idk I use excel. I dont have much algae. Is it because of excel....idk. Nevet over dosed it. Recommended amounts daily. Metracide being cheaper id think if you were using it as a spot treatment would be the way to go. But imo even safer, cheaper and more effective is h2o2.
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