Gold Fish not eating.

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 13, 2003
I have 3 GF in a 20G Tank. One of them is not eating, staying at the bottom but swimming ok. Please assist.

Background info. 1: I had 3 gold fish in a poor tank. No filtration or air, no gravel cleaning as it was planted. Water changes every two weeks. About a two weeks ago they started staying more at the surface and were breathing very heavily. So, I gravel cleaned the whole tank just to be safe. There was a lot of gunk at it was very, very dirty. I think this was done just in time. Now with the filtration and everything the water is clean, the GF are comfortable going to the tank bottom and they are not breathing heavily or acting stressed out.

Background Info. 2:
I had a very severe clutter problems in my apartment. I had waayyy too many pets and was stretched mainly interms of maintenance time. Hence, I decided to return all the fish in my 20G tropical tank to the pet shop. These were basically 3 Corys, 4 Danios and 2 Ottos. This tank was also an electrical/mechanical fire hazard and was also setup very poorly with all the wires running halfway across the room. So, I am glad that this tank was disassembled.

Background Info. 3:
I had an excellent Betta in a 2G tank that died. Here is the thread in this regard on another board: Click Here
Since this thread is long, it might help to just read the first few and the last few posts.

BackGround Info. 4:
I have not posted here in a long time. My interest in pet fish has greatly dimnished. Looks like the honey moon is over. I no longer want a 55G tank or more fish etc., One small Betta in a 5G or a 10G tank that is well planted will make me happy. My postings here have greatly dimnished, I am posting here after a fairly long gap. Wonder if this drop in interest has happened to others before. Has the interest ever returned back ? Please share your experience.

Thank You.

Hiya Vijay. I read your other post. Sounds like maybe you're more discouraged than lacking're still posting :wink: Fish, and pets in general, I've found, can be 'addictive'. Perhaps you just jumped into too much, too fast. You put alot of thought into your fish, and seem to know where you made mistakes in the past. Maybe if you just 'cruise' with your goldfish for a spell, and see if you can manage them, you'll get your confidence back again. Fishkeeping is a hobby of patience, and I for one learn by trial and error more than anything else.
First place to start when fish are showing signs of ill health is to check the water parameters. You may have disturbed the nitrifying bacteria with the big cleaning; did you change the filter media as well?

And welcome back :) wondered where you got to!
Allivymar said:
First place to start when fish are showing signs of ill health is to check the water parameters. You may have disturbed the nitrifying bacteria with the big cleaning; did you change the filter media as well?

And welcome back :) wondered where you got to!

There was no filter on this tank for a long time. I just added the filter. I only did a partial water change. Actually there was a lot more harmful waste at the bottom and cleaning it seems to be quite a good thing. I actually did this in stages at intervals of about a week or so.

Thanks for the welcome. :)

Loren said:
Hiya Vijay. I read your other post. Sounds like maybe you're more discouraged than lacking're still posting :wink: Fish, and pets in general, I've found, can be 'addictive'. Perhaps you just jumped into too much, too fast. You put alot of thought into your fish, and seem to know where you made mistakes in the past. Maybe if you just 'cruise' with your goldfish for a spell, and see if you can manage them, you'll get your confidence back again. Fishkeeping is a hobby of patience, and I for one learn by trial and error more than anything else.

You are very correct. I jumped in with too much too fast. I am bold enough to admit it now. Apart from the fish, I also had a hamster and 3 finch that I returned to the pet store after much reflection about two months ago. Presently, I also have 5 parrots (Tiels, budgies and parrotlets) !!!

Here are my other factors:
1. I live in a small apartment and it was crowded with pets. Very close to pet hoarding. Glad I realized it well in advance and started downsizing.
2. I also have had a very poor track record of managing clutter and battled clutter succefully over the past year. All this has me exhausted quite a bit. Still more to progress in this regard.
3. In addition to all this, there are the effects of the economy.
4. Recently, the temperature locally has been as low as -51C. Commuting in that is another challenge.

Given the economic uncertainity, there is a good chance that I may have to move in the next 6 to 24 months. Hence, being lean and thin seems to be wise.

I knew that certain things were important such as more frequent water changes. However, I started delaying them and hoping that my fish would be OK. When maintenance is neglected, becomes a chore then one can't let the fish suffer.

Agreed that pets are very, very addictive. In this modern world filled with technology, finance and corporate culture, pets offer a great escape into nature, caring, enjoying and loving for the pure sake of it. Hence, for sure one who is stressed can easily get addicted to pets.

Visualization has greatly helped me in this regard. Before I used to visualize myself as having a huge tank of 55G with a lot of tropical fish making me happy. Now, I realize that I was trying yo turn my small apartment into an aquarium, a garden with plants, a library with books and a parrot jungle. It was anything but an apartment for me to live in. However, now I I realize that having just a few plants, two parrots (I still have 5 parrots though), one small fish tank and a few books are enough. All this gives me a lot more room in my apartment and also makes it safer. Moreover, in this uncertain market should the need arise to move, having to give away lesser pets makes it easier.

The prior death of my GF and also my Betta recently have made me come to terms and TRULY accept that nothing is for ever and inspite of the best care all our times on this Earth is rather limited. Without this realization, should the need to part with my pets have occured, it would have been very difficult to cope with emotionally.

I am also glad that I delayed stepping into the nano reef tank. With wild temperature changes, this tank would have Kaput a long time ago. Besides, I am happy enough now to watch another person's tank on the monitor for a few minutes and then move on. When thinking in terms of a fish tank, I think in terms of maintenance time, of which I am having lesser and lesser. Hence, maintaining a tank without enjoying it over a period of a few months makes it a chore.

Vijay 0X
My GF started eating again a few days ago. Recently with Wind Chill, temp. locally got down to close to -50C. On those days, it was great to come home and see my GF tank even if only briefly. Helped to forget the snow and flyaway to a tropical paradise.


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