Gold fish

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 28, 2003
Chennai India
Can I have a Gold and Angel fish in a same tank?

I have couple of two inch long gold fish,a inch long gold fish and two one inch long angel fish what should be my tank capacity??
The general rule that I've read is that full grown goldfish need *at least* 10 gallons of tank space a piece. That is only if they are Fancy goldfish that reach a size of only 6-8 inches. Common goldfish or comets get larger and need even more room. Goldfish are notorious waste producers and they prefer water that is cooler than what Angelfish need. I don't know how big your tank is, but even if it is big enough for all the goldfish, I wouldn't keep the angelfish in there with them...

I used to keep 3 full grown fancies in a 29 gal tank, and that was definitely the limit for those little eating machines! Anything smaller and they wouldn't have grown or spawned.
RajaAnnamalai said:
Can I have a Gold and Angel fish in a same tank?I have couple of two inch long gold fish,a inch long gold fish and two one inch long angel fish what should be my tank capacity??

Can you get away keeping the two together? Probably for a few weeks or more. However it is not a recommended arrangement because one is cold water while the other prefers warm tropical waters. Then there are numerous other reasons too long to list here. Both species can grow very large if the proper environment is supplied. How big a tank? big as you can afford.
If they were fancy goldfish that like their temp in the low to mid 70sF and if you had a huge 200 gallon tank and you kept the water at 75F (low side for Angels and high side for Fancy goldfish) then maybe things would work. But Angels love having plants in their tank to feel secure and goldfish just eat all plants really fast. Plus they eat completely different kinds of food to be healthy. Goldfish need Goldfish food which is low in protein and high in carbohydrates. Angesl eat tropical fish food which is high in protein. Mixing things up ends with sick fish.

As was mentioned fancy goldfish get to be 6-8 inches in size. Regular goldfish (pondfish) can get to be 2 feet in length. This means that any tank not able to take a fish 2 feet in length isn't a good enough tank.

Pick one kind of fish per tank and you will have a much healthier setup.
I tried to keep them togather in a 50 gal planted tank, my fishes were fairly large, angles use to bite regularly the tail fins of goldfish and in the end i had to seprate them because of this constant biting.
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