Golden Gouramis

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 22, 2011
Hi guys, im new to this forum and i just wanna ask, i have 2 female gouramis and a male gouramis, I THINK! and i have got them for a weeek, they havent started mating yet and im very curious to when they will start! check them out at this link and please tell me whther they are male or female! thanks !

Also, they are currently in a bigger tank then the above in the link. So i was wondering if adding 5 guppies and a tadpole would be fine, please tell me!thanks!
:welcome: to AA! :)

What size tank are they in? Is it cycled?

IMO the yellow-grayish one is the female, more colorful gold is your male.

We can't say anything until we know your tank size about adding more fish, but NO TADPOLES. Eventually they will turn into frogs, which will eat the fish, I assume.
10 gallons! and sry im new to aquatic stuff too so what is imo and cycled? >< sorrryy, thanks!
and also i heard the male will develop zebra stripes before they mate? when will that occur?
Welcome to AA.
If those are Gold Gouramis, they usually get around 6 inches and adults need at least a 35 gallon tank to do well. Your tank is too small. Will you be getting them a larger tank. From what I've read, GG can reach sexual maturity at around 3".
IMO = In My Opinion
It sounds like your tank isn't cycled. Did you buy a liquid test kit to test your water params? If not, you will need to get one asap. You will need to watch for ammonia spikes. You will probably need to do pwc (partial water changes) at least once, maybe twice a day. Look for the fish in cycle thread on this forum. It will help guide you through cycling your tank with fish in it.
Did you get a dechlorinator to add to your tap?
Hi and welcome to AA! From the sounds of it your tank isn't cycled. Cycling a tank makes it a healthy home for your fish. It is where bacteria grow in your filter to consume the ammonia your fish excrete. All tanks need to be cycled. The link above will help you and if you have any questions feel free to ask. No such thing as a silly question!

Unfortunately your tank is too small for the fish you have and I suggest you return them. Having fish in a tank too small for them is detrimental to their long term health.
thanks to all of you, ohhhhh! okay i wil save up and get a bigger tank then :D also yeap i have a declhlorinator but not they cycle thingy :(
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