Goldfish and Plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Aug 29, 2012
Smalltown USA
Hi All!
I have a 46 gallon bowfront with 5 fancy goldfish in it. I'd love to make it into a planted tank, but I don't know if the goldies will leave the plants alone. What do you think? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Angelwings,

Goldies in general love plants--think salad! My goldies and others like to uproot their salad. So here's the solution--plants you can tie to driftwood, rocks of that float. I must admit that anacharis floating only lasts a month or so until there's nothing less, but they love nibbling on it. On the other hand, anubias and java ferns stay attached to driftwood or rock and grow!
I have eight 6+ inch fancy goldfish and they are in planted tanks. I do have DW with anubia and java fern but I also use these rubbery plant anchors that really holds the plants in place, even through their grazing. I have swords, dwarf val, couple different types of cryts, and then narrowleaf temple and ambulia for them to graze on. I put duckweed in there off and on but it is eaten in a couple of hours.

Here's a link to show you the anchors I use...
Professional Plant Anchors (on sale)(reg. $2.29)
Feed them lots of daily veggies and they won't bother your plants. My tanks are happily planted without an issue (except for being away- then they go to town on the plants if i dont have someone feeding them). The plant anchors Rivercats suggested are great for preventing uprooting/digging, especially with gravel or new plants that don't have established root systems yet. :)
You know jkl I feed mine lots of veggies too and they still nibble on my plants! Guess your veggies are better than mine!

I couldn't keep plants anchored in the goldies tanks until I got those anchors, they are truely wonderful.
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