goldfish clenching fins

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jun 30, 2012
hi all,

I have an 11 year old goldfish in a 55gallon tank. I recently purchased 2 small fantails and quarantined them for just over 3 weeks. I put them in the tank a week ago and have yet to do a water change. I used prazipro as a preventative with the fantails (they were acting a little depressed when I got them).

so the past couple days my goldfish has been clenching his fins and is fairly inactive. this is all unusual behavior for him. he is also sitting obsessively in the bubbles and is looking sorta pinkish, along with a ragged tail. should I treat with prazi pro? something else?

NO3 -20
NO2 -0
pH -8.0
KH -240
GH -30

any ideas of what this could be?


  • ForumRunner_20130624_193900.jpg
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I haven't witnessed any elderly abuse. I'm doing a water change at the moment. I googled it and some sites are suggesting stress from unkempt water. I know the little bastards have been pooping like no tomorrow and I've probably been feeding too much. hopefully this is the problem.
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