Goldfish is vertical

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Sep 26, 2016
Sometimes my goldfish is vertical so can someone tell me what is going on or what my goldfish is doing? Because i am concerned

Does it seem sick?

Sometimes goldfish gulp air, which can get into their digestive tracts and throw off balance. You can see air pockets even in their poop if this happens

Sometimes they actually swim vertically when they scavenge the bottom of the tank, but go back to normal afterwards. My goldfish used to keep it up for a good 20 minutes while sucking rocks then act like normal again after

But if your fish looks fat/bloated, and is swimming strangely, the swim bladder may be affected

Swim bladder stabilizes the fish when it swims, and if something is causing infection, it may lean to one side, fall over, or even float upside down
Hey kid, this sounds like a swim bladder issue, does your fish have any other symptoms, like labored breathing or rolling or flashing ? If not it's probably a swim bladder problem, which is usually caused by diet. Goldfish tend to do best when fed a moist diet. Try adding some finely chopped canned green beans to his diet or you can give them peas, but you have to remove the outer skin on peas and chop them up a bit. Goldfish are direct descendants of carp and they need some veggies in there diet. I feed all of my goldfish a gel food made Rapashy. You can get it online. (ebay). See if the green beans or peas help. However, they are not complete in nutrition so you may have to change foods completely. I hope this is helpful. Good luck.
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