Goldfish proof plants

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 14, 2003
Houston, TX
Any suggestions for Goldfish proof plants? It's going into my 30 gallon goldfish tank and I'd prefer low light. I've heard that some plants taste really bad and the goldfish won't eat them, but now I can't find any plants that fit that bill. Ideas? :?:
i haven't found any either

my goldfish eat just about any plant I tried to put in their tank

anacharis seems to have survived their feasting, but its leaves now grow very short and compact against the stem

I kept a green arrowhead in with them, once it grows it's leaves out of the water it's fine, but the goldfish manage to eat most as they're coming up

amazon sword seemed to be their favorite :(
It's funny, I came across a list of goldfish friendly plants some time ago but wasn't interested in real plants for that tank. Now that I want the info I can't seem to find it anywhere...
I knew I should have bookmarked it. :x
I'm almost positive that I came across some good plants for staying (and not becoming dinner) with the goldfishes, ANYONE?
I just over winter some small goldies each year, but they don't seem to eat Java Fern, or Giant Val.

I also find that they really like duckweed, so I keep some in their tank. They tend to eat the duckweed and leave other things alone. I'm guessing that the duckweed satisfies their veggie requirements, so they don't eat the other plants much.

However, this is just my exp. and all fish have been under 3.5 inches. Bigger fish, or perhaps just different temperments, could mean far more plant muching.
Try some Vallisneria americana var americana. I have a bunch in with a solitary 7 inch Comet; the Comet rarely bothers the plants. You can also try Anubias barteri var nana. I don't know for sure, but herbivore Cichlids won't eat Anubias nana, so I doubt goldfish will either... :) Worth a try anyway!
Try some Vallisneria americana var americana. I have a bunch in with a solitary 7 inch Comet; the Comet rarely bothers the plants. You can also try Anubias barteri var nana. I don't know for sure, but herbivore Cichlids won't eat Anubias nana, so I doubt goldfish will either... :) Worth a try anyway!
Hey, thanks. I'm going to head out plant hunting tomorrow and see what I can find at he local shops. Hopefully I can find what I need.

BTW, CC, my larger planted tank is coming along PERFECTLY! It's really starting to look good. I just hope those Wendtii's will start shooting up runners soon.

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