?Goldfish Tank Set-Up?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 14, 2003
Southern California
Thank-You all very much for your excellent advice to me earlier concerning mixing goldfish w/tropicals. In considering your good advice, I have decided not to put the goldfish in with my tetras. The 4 fancy (2") goldfish are in a temporary 20 gallon tank. There are 2 redcap orandas, 1 gold fantail, and a beautiful golden calico.
I have purchased a new 55 gallon tank and would like your advice and ideas on the best possible set-up for this new goldfish tank.
Thank-You very much. :D
I would use a small/medium size rounded gravel as goldfish like to pick up gravel in their mouths and move it around. Large gravel can choke them. I would suggest an Emperor 400 filter for two reasons. It has the capacity to handle the waste generated by goldfish...they make lots of waste. And, it has bio wheels. I am a believer in bio wheels for freshwater use. I think their bio filtration is unmatched by any other system except maybe a sump full of bio balls. Normal output lighting should be plenty. I would shoot for a water temp in the 72 deg F range and a pH of around 7.5. I would avoid an undergravel filter. That's about all I can think of at the moment. Hope it helps some.
Logan J
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