Goldfish with a chunk squished in/missing

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Aquarium Advice Addict
May 10, 2005
So I have two goldfish in a 10 gallon tank with a house with a water wheel ornament in it... My goldfish Blaze this morning is swimming around sluggishly so I go to check him out. On his left side it looks like he was stuck or something and tried really hard to get out and pulled off part of his skin or something... I put melafix in the tank for him but is there anything else I could do?
some people might balk at this, but here is what i did when my molly got injured....

I took her out of the tank and put neosporin cream on her injury with a clean qtip. she healed up really fast.

Add a touch of aquarium salt to the tank. Keep an eye on your fish, make sure no white or black or grey fuzz develops on the injury.

You might want a bigger tank for your goldies =)

the melafix will help combat infection, but take any carbon out of your filter while you use it.

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