Gonna need help!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 2, 2011
she has been in the tank for 2 DAYS. i adore her. she was my beautiful unknown for a lil while. now she is absolutely screwed.
she had been bullied, so i removed the adult agressors to a time-out in another tank. THANK GOD i did, or they might get whatever this is.
there were 2 small juvies left with her, apparantly they continued to attack her. they are like 1in big each, she's like 6in!!!
but now.... her body is torn up and has cotton-like tufts and big flakes hanging off her. big angry red marks lace her body and scars are undoubtly permanent its that bad. all over her. her fins are shredded and have white and red streaks all along them. her eyes are milky in the centre and seem to be cracked.
2 DAYS and she is like this. a disease does not take this short a time to appear in a healthy tank. i think i added a carrier of the disease, but the stress/attacks aggravated it and she got very VERY ill.

thing is, she's now in qt in the 10. the 40 is being mega salt and heat treated. but will my darling make it? please help xxxxxxx


She might be alright.
Youl just have to keep her stress free and nice and carm and relaxed. And she might pull though. I really hope shes ok just dont let any other fish get to her. And that think positve :) xxxx
Oh, your poor girl!!! Is the 10gal shes in now stable? Make sure you keep her water pristine to start with! I dont know everything thats going on here, but i will tell you she has a pretty severe bacterial infection-her eyes are clouded & her fins are very degraded (the rays-bones-are exposed). Do you access to antibiotics? I would treat her with kanamycin & aqu salt. I you cant get kanamycin, try a combo of maracyn & maracyn2 (plus aq salt). She is in pretty rough shape- i really hope she pulls through!! I wish you luck!!!
less than 24 hours. was ok at 6:30 yesterday. a few little missing scales, a tiny nip on the fins. but i get home at 4:45 ish and she is like this. exactly like this i took photos immediately.

whats odd?x
That people are pronouncing serious disease right from the out.
She has been badly attacked by stronger fish.
Zebras are like pitbulls and when they get mean they get mean.
I am thinking of her and if I could will it she would be all well in a second.Nature will take its course and I really hope she makes a full recovery :)
ok, so stay hopeful and its prob not a disease. is it a good idea to do a salt bath with her like this? the 40 is being heat + salted but she is just in the 10 with extra heat x
That people are pronouncing serious disease right from the out.
She has been badly attacked by stronger fish.
Zebras are like pitbulls and when they get mean they get mean.
I am thinking of her and if I could will it she would be all well in a second.Nature will take its course and I really hope she makes a full recovery :)
Yes, she was attacked/nipped/bullied but its going to take a bit more than healthy water to get her back into shape. Missing scales are not a big deal but her rays are exposed-if she doesnt already have an infection, she will in a very short period of time. Once it reaches her body, her chances of recovery are not very positive.
A dose of Stress Coat or something like that with aloe in it would help soothe the wounds and help her slime coat develop over the sores.
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