good deal? help quick pleas!

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
May 24, 2005
San Diego Ca
hey, I found a guy who is trying to sell a 55 gal plexi (4ftx18inx21in) which sounds kinda big for a 55 gal plexi (im VERY new to the whole fish thing so im not sure if plexi is just bigger or what) and a Magnum 350 pump for $80.

Should I go for it?

keeping in mind I will still need a light hood, maybe another small hob filter since the mags arent that great....
Sounds more like a 75G. It would probably be better to buy a complete set with hood and stand, otherwise you'll find yourself shelling out more money just to complete the tank, but I think it's a good deal with the magnum 350.
no hood, and ya it sounded like a 75 to me but he says he is sure its a 55...don't understand how that is possible unless the plexi is like 2 inches thick
will I need another filter and if so what kind should I get? how much would a hood and bulbs cost if I wanted to run a planted tank?
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