Good snail or evil snail

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 5, 2009
There are 2 snails 1 a hair smaller than the one in the picture. The one in the pic is maybe 1/4" in size


  • tiny snail.jpg
    tiny snail.jpg
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no snail will dupilcate like wildfire unless there is plenty of food. no food = no breeding. good way to chech if you happen to be over feeding or not.

order of being a pest.
1 mts
2 pond
3 ramshorn
no snail will dupilcate like wildfire unless there is plenty of food. no food = no breeding. good way to chech if you happen to be over feeding or not.

order of being a pest.
1 mts
2 pond
3 ramshorn
MTS aren't evil. what else is going to churn your sand?
I was talking snails in general, i understand that ramshorn wont burrow in the substrate. All are different but bring something decent to the table.
Generally speaking snails are not so bad. You really will have a hard time avoiding them in a planted tank. They help keep things tidy, tend to eat decaying matter only. I have had plenty of ramshorns without incident. It is really up to you but they do add to the overall natural environment IMO.
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