Good tankmate suggestions for a Black Ghost Knife?

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Apr 2, 2006
College Station, Texas
Well, I just bought a new tank (58 gallon with oak stand, cover, three different filter systems, heaters, and a boxful of other accessories for $200!!!) and I'm planning to move my black ghost knife into it come the end of the summer. He's currently about 5 or 6" and has rather outgrown his 10 gallon home (he was originally a 3" Valentine's Day gift).

Anyways, now that I will have room to spare, I was wondering what would be good tankmates for a BGK. I've been considering clown loaches, since I had three until an unfortunate ich outbreak last year, but I'm open to all suggestions. Given that I'm not planning on setting up the tank until August, I'm not making any concrete decisions right now, but I would like to start researching and considering my options (and possibly financing for them, too!).

On a side note, it looks likely that the 58 gallon will also be home to a common pleco that has outgrown my mother's 15 gallon tank, but that probably doesn't make a difference--I mean, what doesn't get along with a pleco?

Anywho, all help is appreciated, and thanks!
bosemani rainbows are pretty fish, the loaches would be good too, just depends on wether you want large small or medium sized fish, and if you want exotic odd ball looking fish or decorative
I've read it's not wise to put 2 black ghost knife's together. I know you don't want to put Chichlids with them.. They do good with Semi-agressive fish...

I have mine with silver dollars, bala sharks, a rubber lip pleco, and gourami's
Gourami's would be good, basically any fish that isn't too aggressive, (like cichlids, though angels or discus would be alright), or small enough to eat.
My two are in with discus, plecos, tetras,... Provided they are well fed (BGK) they shouldt worrry anythig else. The 2 BGK do fight, their about 9-10in long and are in a 210 gal. They choose to stay around the same area of the tank. Every now and then i see bite marks and broken fins from fighting. Nothing too serious but enough to cause concern.

Oh i did have 50 neon tetras go missing.... funny thing though i saw another black widow tetra that was only and inch and a half with 1 in its gob! I assume most of them went to the BGK's. Beware if it can fit into it's mouth, it might not be seen again.!
A few questions about the suggested gouramis: Is it best to have a single gourami in a tank? Or can you have multiple provided they are from different species? The literature I've found on this has been a little unclear on that. Note that I don't plan to breed them.

Also, would hatchetfish be too small to keep with what will eventually (hopefully) be a full grown BGK?

Thanks for all the suggestions so far.
I have 2 of the same kind of gourmi's together and they will TRY to nip at each other (I don't know if they are playing...) but neither has harmed the other in any way...

Also note I bought them together from the same tank at the LFS store. I don't know if this makes a difference or not. I was told they are not agressive fish but I disagree....

I made the mistake of adding my betta for a couple minutes to my larger tank and they took his tail as being food... So I wouldn't suggest adding a betta in ANY tank they are in :D I had to immediately take him right back out.
I do keep bettas, but they have their own tanks, so no worries on that front. I'm not a big subscriber to the bettas-as-community-fish idea. Would anyone care to recommend a certain type of gourami?

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