got a snail with my new plants

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 7, 2017
hey guys and gals,
today i purchased some frogbit, and with it came this little guy, i allready have a snail in my main tank so put this little dude with my female betta! by any chance would anybody know what snail this is, i would like to keep it just dont know what it is?

another question i have is what are some begginer plants.i can go with for my tanks, i have frogbit, java moss , and and anubis plant on a rock!! is there any other good ones i can look into?
thanks everybody!
I'm assuming Low light low tech, fire leaf swords, amazon sword, sagitaria, red tiger, dwarf Lilly, rotala, Java ferns
thanks for replies guys! is it worth keeping him?
Let the opinions I want as many as I can get. Hardy prolific scavengers that take zero effort. Keep up with maintenance of tank. Feed tank properly and youll be happy you kept them. Should see more in the days to come.
i literally only found one! i checked my bag of frogbit!
Maybe....but seeing eggs on plants is difficult. One is all you need
ohhh bugger ahhaha well, we will see how i go i guess
I hate them lol, my tank was over ran with them mine were ramshorn and ate the heck out of my plants
im praying to god i only got that one now hahaa! will my other fish eat the eggs?
how can i make sure plants dont have snails!! im reading about this and its coming up with bleach, not to sure with the bleach any other remidy?
Pond snails are least likely to eat plants imo. They will feed on dead dying (melting) material. In over 30 yrs ive never been convinced a pond snail ate a plant of mine. Bioload is low and they are relatively small. If/when your diatoms come youll be happy. I have easily a 100 of these in a 10g plus ramshorms and mts. Never seen poop

Quarantine plants or bleach dip.

Trap them and mail to me.
Alot of people buy snails, your basic pond snail won't eat plants, but ramshorn are plant munchers
They reproduce asexually as well.

For me, it was "Oh look I have a baby snail, how cool!"
A week later, "Look he has brothers and sisters now!"

After a while you get used to them. They can be harmless if you don't do anything about them. If you want to keep the population down, at night, turn off the aquarium light (leave on the moonlight if you have one), and about 10 minutes later the snails come up on the glass and plants. At that time you can squish them.
Are snails good for your tank? I got a random snail appear in my tank and a few people told me to get rid of it. But I couldn't do that :)
They reproduce asexually as well.

For me, it was "Oh look I have a baby snail, how cool!"
A week later, "Look he has brothers and sisters now!"

After a while you get used to them. They can be harmless if you don't do anything about them. If you want to keep the population down, at night, turn off the aquarium light (leave on the moonlight if you have one), and about 10 minutes later the snails come up on the glass and plants. At that time you can squish them.
Counter sink a couple pieces of metrics, go to bed wake up carefully remove lettuce so they don't talk back into the tank
It's kind of small in the picture but I would guess a pond snail. many people (including myself) consider them pests. good:they can eat dead plant matter and some leftovers in your tank. Bad: they can also eat live plant matter leaving holes in your leaves. they can be prolific breeders and take over your tank. I'm suffering from a ramshorn infestation right now and they are pests also. Don't release it in the wild!

plants that i have had luck with and i'm a beginner are water wisteria, java moss, duckweed (herpes of plants), anubias, amazon sword, java fern, banana plants, apongeton, anarchis, brazilian pennywort, asian water fern, bacopa, and some crypts. I only have normal stock lighting for my tanks like the kinds that come in the tank. i also use API Leaf zone as a fertilizer and dose as recommended

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